2-3:30pm Saturday



The Unarius Academy of Science and Jodi Wille present the films The Arrival and We Are Not Alone,  and discuss past-life therapy and working with spirit guides for inspired creativity

Experience the legendary creative collective Unarius’ 16mm DIY masterwork The Arrival (1981, 50 mins.) and Jodi Wille’s short film on the group, “We Are Not Alone,” (2017, 12 mins.), and hear the Unariuns speak on the transformative effects of past-life psychodrama therapy and working with spirit guides for prolific creative output.

Beginning the mid-‘70s, Unarius’ visionary leader Ruth Norman (AKA Archangel Uriel) urged her students at The Unarius Academy of Science to create art as part of their spiritual growth through intuitive painting, poetry, music, and, most notably, the creation of past-life psychodrama “documentary” films and videos. And of all the DIY films made by American alternative cultures over the decades, none are as epicly ambitious and as earnestly powerful as THE ARRIVAL.

Both a “documentary” of a Unariun’s channeled past-life incarnation and a riveting homemade space opera (complete with ingenious hyper-colored analog SFX), the film follows an aborigine, who, after being contacted by an immense Rubik’s Cube full of advanced telepathic beings, overcomes his psychic amnesia, working through his past life as a genocidal spaceship commander. The largest-scale production of Unarius’ oeuvre, THE ARRIVAL feels more timely than ever in 2017, with a spiritual agenda to match Jodorowsky’s and a startling visual aesthetic that is currently influencing a new generation of artists, designers and musicians.

Filmmaker, book publisher, and curator, Jodi Wille is known for her work exploring American subcultures. Wille directed the documentary THE SOURCE FAMILY (2013) and is cofounder and editor of book publishing companies Dilettante Press and Process Media. She co-curated the 244 work exhibition “The Visionary Experience: From St. Francis to Finster” at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore (2014-2015). She is currently working on a feature-length documentary on Unarius.


3:30 - 5pm Saturday


"Dr J" and the interdimensional Sasquatch Conception

Dr. Matthew Johnson (“Dr. J.") in conversation with Omne the Aquarian of The Source Family, moderated by Jodi Wille (Director, The Source Family). Join us for this presentation and conversation, where you will learn how to find the Sasquatch, reach out to them, and learn how to communicate with them, too.

On July 1, 2000, Dr. J. and his family ran into a Bigfoot on the mountain above the Oregon Caves National Monument Park.  Since that time, he has relentlessly pursued the truth regarding who are the Bigfoot Forest People and where do they come from.  Unlike some TV shows, Dr. J. asserts he has actually found Bigfoot--and has habituated with a family of Bigfoot for several years.  During his journey, he has encountered energy portals, has learned how to communicate with the Forest People, and has brought others to them for healing (i.e., Several who say they have been healed from cancer, DVTs, bone spurs, gallstones, heart problems, etc.), including Robert Quinn, aka Omne the Aquarian of The Source Family.  Robert, who has spent several nights sleeping in the Oregon forest with Dr. J. to commune with the Forest People, will join in conversation about his own experiences.  

Dr. Matthew A. Johnson ("Dr. J.") has been working in the Mental Health Field for 35 years.  He's been a Licensed Clinical Psychologist for the past 22 years.  He is the author of "Positive Parenting with a Plan" and has spoken in all 50 States several times, most Canadian Provinces, and at the World Family Therapy Conference in Porto, Portugal in 2008.  He has trained thousands of professionals and parents around the world.

Jamie Brisick photo by Kane Skenner.jpg

Sunday 11:30am


Love is what my mother made when she made chocolate chip cookies

A Conversation about Surfing and Art

Jamie Brisick has spent more than four decades deeply immersed in surfing, first as a professional surfer in the '80s and '90s, and since then as a writer, photographer, and filmmaker. An author of several books, an editor of international surf magazines, and a Fulbright scholar, he is an astute observer of the culture. In conversation with Christian Troy, Executive Director of Waves For Water, and through a selection of his photographs, Jamie will discuss his life in surfing and his transition into writing.

Jamie Brisick’s books include Becoming Westerly: Surf Champion Peter Drouyn's Transformation into Westerly Windina, Roman & Williams: Things We Made, We Approach Our Martinis With Such High Expectations, Have Board, Will Travel: The Definitive History of Surf, Skate, and Snow, and The Eighties at Echo Beach. His writings and photographs have appeared in The Surfer's Journal, The New York Times, and The Guardian. He was the editor of Surfing magazine from 1998-2000, and is presently the global editor of Huck. In 2008 he was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship. He lives in Los Angeles.


Sunday 12:30pm


Interdimensional Living in The Source Family


Rare Source Family films, images, and conversation with Robert Quinn AKA Omne the Aquarian of The Source Family and Jodi Wille (Director, The Source Family documentary)

In 1971 at the age of 20, Robert Quinn dropped out of college, hitchhiked cross country, and landed literally right in front of Father Yod and The Source restaurant in Los Angeles. He joined the nascent Source Family and soon became the restaurant manager and one of the family’s main astrologers. Later, as one of the primary family photographers he captured some of The Source Family’s most iconic images and designed all of the Source Family record album covers. Highly observant of those around him and blessed with a photographic memory, Omne, a natural storyteller, will share rare Source Family home movies and previously unseen and iconic images and share tales from his days in The Family, where he says miracles were a daily occurrence and interdimensional reality was accessed by all. Join us and hear new stories and observations that will alter everything you ever thought you knew about The Source Family.

Robert Quinn lives in Yelm, Washington. He believes the best chance for a person to emerge into the world with a good heart and open mind is if they are raised in a home or community where miracles are common and accepted. Ever since his immersion into The Source Family, he has led a life driven by radical spiritual pursuits and consciousness expansion, focusing on the Vital Importance of Leisure Time, experiences with no materialistic explanation, and inviting and welcoming the Unknown.


Sunday 3pm


A film by Tin Ojeda, 2017

A self-described “experimental 45-minute experimental film shot on Super 16mm”, the film features an eclectic surfcast—Ozzie Wright, Dave Rastovich, Alex Knost, Trevor Gordon, Mikey Detemple, Devon Howard, Kassia Meador, and a host of other fringe dwellers/free thinkers.

Tim Ojeda’s work spans several mediums, where his approach and artistic sense are born from experimentation and spontaneity. He can be at once a documentarian and a voyeur, where by utilizing film and photography capture this tenuous duality. His most recent solo exhibition at Tripoli Gallery in the Autumn 2012 featured his video portraits. There is an inherent sculptural quality to his photographs and films, highlighting the importance of installation and the artistic process from the very start to the absolute finish. He has been included in several group exhibitions, one of which debuted at the 303 Gallery in New York. He currently lives and works in Montauk, New York.



Sunday 2pm



XTREME NOW is the latest bold new manifesto by Taraka Larson, pushing Prince Rama’s self-proclaimed philosophy of the Now Age further and exploring life as a continuous daring act of performance art. Premiering at the NY Art Book fair, it was written as a metaphysical treatise to accompany Prince Rama’s latest album, examining the phenomenon of extreme sports through the macro lens of history as well as prophesying a future of “speed art” that fuses extreme sports, time travel and the sublime. Part critical analysis, part science fiction, and part metaphysics, Xtreme Now outlines a future where energy drinks sponsor art museums and beauty is rated by speed, all the while seducing the attention back to a dizzying state of eternal presence— “A Now Age Book of the Dead”.

Taraka Larson is one half of Prince Rama, founder of the Now Age Movement for Metaphysical Aesthetics, and chief designer for Xtreme Mess, a boutique line of byzantine inspired extreme sports outerwear. She currently lives in Brooklyn.