The Healing Effects of Hive Superfoods & Saving the Bees
Join Carly Stein, sustainable beekeeping activist and founder of Beekeeper’s Naturals, for a discussion on the various ways we can utilize hive superfoods to improve our health and nourish our bodies. The healing effects of bee-made superfoods have been recognized across the world by a variety of cultures for centuries. Long before many of our over-the-counter remedies, humans relied on bee products to treat ailments ranging from cuts and burns to immune-related disorders. Carly will discuss the critical role bees play in our everyday lives, the current issues affecting them, what you can do to help, and the ways you can incorporate bee products into your daily health routine to feel your best.
Growing up with an autoimmune disorder, Carly Stein spent her young life in search of natural health remedies. After spending countless hours and dollars on therapies that caused adverse reactions or didn’t work, her life changed when she found a solution to her problems from the hive. After using propolis to combat tonsillitis and experiencing health improvements like never before, she began beekeeping to get a hold of this healing superfood. It was while working with the hives that Carly found her calling and an insatiable hunger to learn more about the bees and their unique superfoods. Carly created Beekeeper’s Naturals as a platform and company to share these medicinal superfoods and educate the public about the important role bees play in our environment. @beekeepers_naturals
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14TH — 11:15 – 12:30PM