2:00 PM14:00






Clarity and recognition of your own power are the bottom line. Your thoughts form your world all of the time. Not cafeteria style—all of the time. Because you are bombarded with so many frequency-control vibrations that attempt to keep you from being clear, you fluctuate. You must, as a species, make it your intention to stay very clear, to stay centered, and always to bring yourself into the moment. Stop living in the future or living in the past, and always live in your now. Say to yourself, "What do I want? .”  – Barbara Marcinia

Have you ever examined your personal beliefs about vitality?

What if the aging program is created solely by us in our minds, through our beliefs which were generally, unconsciously absorbed in the environment where we were born, raised and have lived? 

What if aging doesn’t actually exist? 

Quantum mechanics proves that consciousness creates what we experience as reality and that humans truly are creator beings, much more powerful than we’ve been led to believe. As we expand our awareness relative to these truths, why not start to look at everything in our experience as truly optional, even the sort of decline that’s generally attributed to aging. 

After all, we know that the body is continuously regenerating itself and numerous leading edge doctors and thought leaders agree that our cells are intelligent and essentially, programmable. Some have even completed successful studies, lengthening telomeres, which are associated with physical decline, through conscious, focused intention.

We have all heard tales of modern day humans living much longer than the popular belief system around age implies is possible and in the bible there are stories about people living nearly a thousand years. So what happened? Was it just the programming? Or was humanity tampered with in some way? And also, even if we could live that long, would we want to?

We are experiencing a quickening and approaching a period where humanity will evolve the equivalent of a thousand years in only a few –  likely between 2025 and  2027 – a quantum leap, if you will. This is due to what is often referred to as Ascension or the Precession of the Equinoxes, and ultimately to the expansion of consciousness which will trigger the revelation of Earth aligned technologies which although had always existed, were hidden. This expansion will have a great effect on all aspects of our lives including health and vitality and especially the way we relate to, and physically express age.

Join renowned healer and seer, Honey C Golden and Mercado Sagrado’s Mia Luciano for an online gathering that will be both conversational and experiential.

Honey will lead the group in an activation to transmute limiting beliefs about aging and we’ll explore the following topics;

  • The role our state of mind, emotions & self talk play in regard to our vitality

  • Health sovereignty and learning to trust ourselves and our bodies more

  • How “aging” will change relative to the coming quantum revolution and in the Golden Age

  • Human DNA, humanity’s hidden history and how it’s changing 

  • How other, non-terrestrial civilizations relate to the body, vitality and age

The event will also include an attendee Q&A and discussion. 

Participants are welcome to join the community telegram group and will receive a curated bundle of assets post event including journal prompts + creative resources in resonance with the theme of the gathering—books, media and more.


We look forward to communing with you.

We will gather remotely via zoom. 

If you can’t attend the session Live, you’ll receive a Replay.


The Keepers of the Frequency are all of those here on earth who are re-seeding the primordial frequency of Love. They hold the vision of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and of the coming Golden Age. 

Humanity is remembering who they really are and stepping into sovereignty, transforming into a culture of care that will actively integrate solutions we’ve been dreaming into existence. We are creating a beautiful future and as part of this process, outdated programming must fall away in order for each of us to step into greater personal power.

Our Guides:

Honey C Golden

is an intuitive healer, artist, and author. It is her belief that our body and soul are interconnected and that we are a soul within a body having a human experience.

Honey understands that the body's natural state is health and that modern day society's environment, food, and stressors can cause imbalance which show up in the body as illness. Restoring balance is the key. She spent decades in a corporate career studying healing in her spare time and helping friends and family.

Being able to expand those practices to help others is the fulfillment of Honey’s destiny. Helping others heal, creating, and sharing is what truly brings her joy.

You can find her at, on YouTube, Rumble, Telegram, and Instagram.

Mia Luciano

is an experience creator and curator, a holistic health advocate and community organizer.

In 2014 she cofounded Mercado Sagrado, a creative and healing arts event platform for gatherings bringing together a distinctive blend of conscious talent, high craft and expansive programming in natural sanctuaries. Her work honors the earth and serves as a bridge between the ancient and emergent. 

You can find her at, on Telegram, Instagram here + here , YouTube and Substack.

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1:00 PM13:00






The true meaning of apocalypse is an uncovering — a revelation or disclosure.

Join us for a virtual gathering with renowned seer and healer, Honey C Golden and Mercado Sagrado’s own, Mia Luciano.

Now, Mercado Sagrado in general would not typically get involved in political discussion — however, these times are anything but typical and due to the nature of the much prophesied energetic shift happening on Earth all events on the world stage reflect our collection transformation from hierarchy to sovereignty and thus topics such as politics have become more interesting to broach.

It has certainly seemed like those in power have been enamored with another meaning for apocalypse – one of destruction, because we’ve been steeped in that sort of ideology for ages now. It’s almost like they hoped if they got their dystopian dream lodged deep enough into our psyches we might just manifest our own doom. And it really makes one wonder … if the true apocalypse is one of disclosure and said disclosure exposes all the secrets of the powers that be … well, then they might indeed feel inclined to adopt a ‘burn it all down’ stance rather than capitulate to those wielding the sword of truth.

So where are we now? Despite evidence to the contrary, we believe things are actually getting better and that we’re in the growth pains of a true, new and expansive age.

They will dive into the energetics and high strangeness of our current times – they’ll talk about disclosure of all kinds, about political figures and narratives, smoke and mirrors, Hollywood personalities, and general madness and mayhem. They’ll discuss recent ‘sky events’ and alleged interdimensional beings popping up alongside Epstein reveals. They’ll dive into the subject of our quantum universe, what effect project looking glass may have had on our experience here in this realm and the bright future ahead for humanity.

Not everything is as it seems. And some of us were born for these times.

Bring your sense of humor, an open mind and an open heart.

This gathering will be free to all paid subscribers of Mia’s new Substack, The Night Rainbow - all paid subscribers will automatically receive the Live event invitation + Replay.

We look forward to communing with you.

We will gather remotely via zoom. 

If you can’t attend the session Live, you’ll receive a Replay.

If you purchase past the date of the Live you’ll receive an email with the Replay.


Our Guides:

Honey C Golden

is an intuitive healer, artist, and author. It is her belief that our body and soul are interconnected and that we are a soul within a body having a human experience.

Honey understands that the body's natural state is health and that modern day society's environment, food, and stressors can cause imbalance which show up in the body as illness. Restoring balance is the key. She spent decades in a corporate career studying healing in her spare time and helping friends and family.

Being able to expand those practices to help others is the fulfillment of Honey’s destiny. Helping others heal, creating, and sharing is what truly brings her joy.

You can find her at, on YouTube, Rumble, Telegram, and Instagram.

Mia Luciano

is an experience creator and curator, a holistic health advocate and community organizer.

In 2014 she cofounded Mercado Sagrado, a creative and healing arts event platform for gatherings bringing together a distinctive blend of conscious talent, high craft and expansive programming in natural sanctuaries. Her work honors the earth and serves as a bridge between the ancient and emergent. 

You can find her at, on Telegram, Instagram here + here , YouTube and Substack.

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12:00 PM12:00




Led by Jessica Alix Hesser & Mia Luciano


“It's time to elevate your life. Let go of everything that is not important to your soul, your higher purpose." - the Atlantic spotted dolphins via Anne Gordon, June 2024

Join us for a virtual summer rendezvous with Jessica Alix Hesser and Mia Luciano.

The Keepers of the Frequency are all of those here on earth who are re-seeding the primordial frequency of Love. They hold the vision of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Humanity is moving into sovereignty and abundance, transforming into a culture of care that will actively integrate solutions we’ve been dreaming into existence. We are creating a beautiful future and as part of this process, old structures must fall away in order to create anew.

There are times where collective energetic portals open and therein lies an invitation to contemplate how deeply we want to immerse ourselves in the notion that we are truly creating our experience here. And if we accept the invitation to enter the portal and embrace this notion, how far do we actually want to take it? These portals present an opportunity to dive more deeply into this energy and the experience can be dramatic, even life changing. We experienced one of these such portals during covid and feel another emerging now.

Throughout this process and in general, how can we surrender to personal and collective expansion with ease, grace and joy? How can we shed outdated social and personal programming to transmute and transform swiftly and playfully? What would happen if we told a new story?

We invite you to join us in a playful exploration of the energetics of how, if indeed, we are just making it all up anyway, we can decide to sharply focus the imagination in order to tell a really good story. And how we can decide to dream a bigger dream, to make work play, to joyfully create a New Earth that we desire on a macro and micro level.

The gathering will be a combination of a talk-story, ceremony of alignment + guided practice followed by a Q+A. We’ll discuss the energetics of this much prophesied time of transition often referred to as Ascension, or the Procession of the Equinoxes. We’ll discuss where we are at this moment in time and where we are going. We’ll share intuitive guidance and intel. We’ll learn tools to activate the imagination, connect to source, get grounded and gain clarity. 

Participants are welcome to join the community telegram group and will receive a curated bundle of assets post event including journal prompts + creative resources in resonance with the them of the gathering that will include books, media and more.

We look forward to communing with you.

We will gather remotely via zoom. 

If you can’t attend the session live, you’ll receive a recording.


Our Guides:

Jessica Alix Hesser

is a poetic activator, esoteric healing arts guide, and women’s leader.

Jessica’s mission is to awaken people to their creative power and potential; to inspire them to a life of beauty and joy. On the dawn of this great human evolution she sees an opportunity for both individual and collective liberation and helps guide people to remembrance of their original blueprint, their natural sovereignty and quantum capacity.

Jessica is devoted to seeking spiritual truth. This path has lead her to a radical experience of intimacy with life and a deep, embodied experience of wholeness. She is honored to share her journey as it helps to facilitate transformation for others. Jessica has worked in the healing arts spaces for over 15 years as a yoga and meditation teacher, breath-work facilitator, holistic fitness specialist, and founder of Mantras + Miracles.

You can find her at, on Instagram and Telegram.

Mia Luciano

is an experience creator and curator, a holistic health advocate and community organizer.

In 2014 she cofounded Mercado Sagrado, a creative and healing arts event platform for gatherings bringing together a distinctive blend of conscious talent, high craft and expansive programming in natural sanctuaries. Her work honors the earth and serves as a bridge between the ancient and emergent. 

You can find her at, on Telegram, Instagram here + here and and on YouTube.

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2:00 PM14:00




Led by Honey C Golden, Erin Ashley & Mia Luciano


Join Honey C Golden, Erin Ashley and Mia Luciano to learn about our hidden history and discuss the beautiful future we are co-creating.

We’ll gather outdoors at a beautiful, private location on the coast. After settling into the space and enjoying tea and light bites by one of our favorite local chefs we will talk story, take questions, and close with a healing activation led by Honey. 

As we move through this great season of Disclosure some of us have become overjoyed with the magnitude of the realization of a manifestation we have been anticipating for so very long — the emergence of a truly New Earth. The beginning stages of the creation of not only a more abundant and harmonious way of living, but a life liberated from the systems of slavery that are all we’ve ever really known.

Others might feel hopeful but overwhelmed with the density of the countless truths coming to light and take a bit longer to reach a state of excitement about it all — which is completely understandable. All places and perspectives are divinely ordained as per each soul's path of expansion.

The intention of this gathering is to share details of our lost and often purposefully hidden, true history — from dragons to giants, emerald cities to high technology that helped create free energy power plants, the pyramids, megaliths such as dolmen and even the mystical flying machines of ancient India called vimanas. We’ll talk about peoples and civilizations that have been wiped clean from the mainline historical narrative. And we’ll discuss how it was that in the old world, beings on Earth lived what now seems to us, extraordinarily long lives of vitality. 

We’ll cover what’s been lost and is now found, or rather remembered. We’ll tune into the psychic gifts increasingly being activated in humanity, the new systems that already exist behind the scenes that will help to create our new world and the many suppressed technologies beginning to be released.  

It’s truly a time of magic and of wonder and our desire is to offer guidance and to share in a of sort of talk-story ceremony of alignment in celebration of what humanity is stepping into. And to remind any who may have been tuning into fear that this is indeed the time to “never give up” as the kingdom is truly at our doorstep.

If you’d like to purchase the Replay of this event for $38, you can via VENMO @mercadosagrado — with the note “NEW EARTH” and your email address.


Our Guides:

Honey C Golden

ii an intuitive healer, artist, and author. It is her belief that our body and soul are interconnected and that we are a soul within a body having a human experience.

Honey understands that the body's natural state is health and that modern day society's environment, food, and stressors can cause imbalance which show up in the body as illness. Restoring balance is the key. She spent decades in a corporate career studying healing in her spare time and helping friends and family.

Being able to expand those practices to help others is the fulfillment of Honey’s destiny. Helping others heal, creating, and sharing is what truly brings her joy.

You can find her at, on YouTube, Rumble, Telegram, and Instagram.


is a spiritual channel, a healer and a teacher.

You can find her on TikTok

Mia Luciano

is an experience creator and curator, a holistic health advocate and community organizer.

In 2014 she cofounded Mercado Sagrado, a creative and healing arts event platform for gatherings bringing together a distinctive blend of conscious talent, high craft and expansive programming in natural sanctuaries. Her work honors the earth and serves as a bridge between the ancient and emergent. 

You can find her at, on Telegram, Instagram here + here and and on YouTube.

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1:00 PM13:00



Led by Honey C Golden, Jessica Alix Hesser & Mia Luciano


Join us for an Autumnal Equinox virtual immersion with Honey C Golden, Jessica Alix Hesser and Mia Luciano.

The Keepers of the Frequency are all of those here on earth who are re-seeding the primordial frequency of Love. They hold the vision of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Humanity is moving into sovereignty and abundance, transforming into a culture of care that will actively integrate solutions we’ve been dreaming into existence. We are creating a beautiful future and as part of this process, old structures must fall away in order to create anew.

Throughout this process and in general, how can we keep our feet on the ground and our head in the clouds — how can we be both visionary and practical?

In this immersion we’re going to connect, get grounded, gain clarity and learn how we can support ourselves and others during this much prophesied time of transition often referred to as Ascension, or the Procession of the Equinoxes. We’ll discuss where we are at this moment in time and where we are going, what this future we’re co-creating will look and feel like. We will learn more about what Ascension means for the collective and the individual in practical terms relative to the body, the earth, community, politics, technology and finance. We’ll share intuitive guidance and intel. We’ll talk about the crystalline body, the nervous system and how we are evolving physically, mentally and emotionally and learn a practice for supporting expansion while maintaining balance. 

We look forward to communing with you.

We will gather remotely via zoom. 

If you can’t attend the session live, you’ll receive a recording. 

Our Guides:

Honey C Golden

is an intuitive healer, artist, and author. It is her belief that our body and soul are interconnected and that we are a soul within a body having a human experience.

Honey understands that the body's natural state is health and that modern day society's environment, food, and stressors can cause imbalance which show up in the body as illness. Restoring balance is the key. She spent decades in a corporate career studying healing in her spare time and helping friends and family.

Being able to expand those practices to help others is the fulfillment of Honey’s destiny. Helping others heal, creating, and sharing is what truly brings her joy.

You can find her at, on YouTube, Rumble, Telegram, and Instagram.

Jessica Alix Hesser

is a poetic activator, esoteric healing arts guide, and women’s leader.

Jessica’s mission is to awaken people to their creative power and potential; to inspire them to a life of beauty and joy. On the dawn of this great human evolution she sees an opportunity for both individual and collective liberation and helps guide people to remembrance of their original blueprint, their natural sovereignty and quantum capacity.

Jessica is devoted to seeking spiritual truth. This path has lead her to a radical experience of intimacy with life and a deep, embodied experience of wholeness. She is honored to share her journey as it helps to facilitate transformation for others. Jessica has worked in the healing arts spaces for over 15 years as a yoga and meditation teacher, breath-work facilitator, holistic fitness specialist, and founder of Mantras + Miracles.

You can find her at, on Instagram and Telegram.

Mia Luciano

is an experience creator and curator, a holistic health advocate and community organizer.

In 2014 she cofounded Mercado Sagrado, a creative and healing arts event platform for gatherings bringing together a distinctive blend of conscious talent, high craft and expansive programming in natural sanctuaries. Her work honors the earth and serves as a bridge between the ancient and emergent. 

You can find her at, on Telegram, Instagram here + here and soon to be on YouTube.

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to Feb 20



Led by Jaguar Womban


Join us for a two week virtual immersion with Jaguar Womban in celebration of the birth of the New Earth!

Jaguar is an intuitive herbalist, ancestral channel, poet and teacher who shares ways in which we can connect to Mother Earth using plant medicine and ceremony. In the Quantum Womb immersion you’ll experience a Channel with energetic Attunement and participate in Ceremony with a custom, channeled plant medicine WombSteam potion.

This channeling with Jaguar is the first in a series that Mercado Sagrado is calling forth that will bring together, in totality, the whole of what the language ‘New Earth’ is attempting to articulate. The New Earth Council keepers are re-SEEDing the primordial frequency. They hold the vision of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth during this time of rebirth.

Each New Earth Council visionary embodies unique aspects of the New Earth way. Jaguar Womban translates the expansion of the old earth Mother Africa energy into the new frequency and invites all bodies to synchronize with and to honor this Afrofuturism frequency within. During this time of transformation and transmutation Jaguar creates a space of deep safety to release fear and move into divine connection with Source.

In our first Quantum Womb session Jaguar will be channeling the Divine Mother Africa Earth Mother to share with the group as a verbal download. She’ll guide the group through an attunement with the Intergalactic Mother Africa Frequency–an activation for which to connect more deeply to Mother Earth in order to gain insight and information useful in healing and transformation. All bodies are invited to participate.

In the second Quantum Womb session, Jaguar invites all womb carriers to learn how to use the unique self-care ritual of WombSteaming as a Ritual of Prayer and a Sacred Tool to awaken our innate Womb Wisdom and Divine Internal Guidance System. The purpose of the WombSteam Ceremony is to synchronize the human Body and Womb space to the frequency of Mother Earth in a ritual of reclamation that will awaken the beauty, joy and pleasure that is our ancestral birthright as our New Earth is orgasmically born.

The WombSteam plant medicine potions will be received/shared as: WombSteam Ritual + Recipe that will be mailed to you in order for you to physically integrate the medicine in ceremony.


Portrait of Jaguar Womban by Alyssa Keys.

In this immersion you’ll experience the following:

Channel (phase: verbal download + attunement)
Ceremony (phase: channeled plant medicine WombSteam)

Channeling the Intergalactic Mother Africa Frequency:
Divine Mother Africa Earth Mother

WombSteam Ceremony: Entering the Code
Experiential group ritual to viscerally attune the body at the root to the messages of Mother Earth and synchronize the Quantum Womb Portal

Both sessions will gather remotely via zoom.

It’s possible to RSVP for one or both sessions. If you can’t attend the session live, you’ll receive a recording. 

When you RSVP for the immersion you’ll receive a link to purchase your unique Herbal Wombsteam Potion & Recipe channeled by Jaguar Womban for $55.

*If you are outside the United States, you’ll also receive instructions on how to make your own as unfortunately we’re unable to ship internationally. 

*The Herbal Wombsteam Potion & Recipe is for everyone—if you’re interested in ordering it for use outside the ceremony for Wombsteam or Bathing please email us for info.

(You can also RSVP via our page HERE on Conscious City Guide)

Payment plan available. Tickets are transferable but non-refundable.

Please reach out to with any other questions.

We look forward to communing with you.


Jaguar Womban is a multidimensional healing artist, Medicine Womban, and visionary mother of The Womb Nation. After being struck by a car while on foot, she had a Death Experience (NDE) that left her in a coma. This began her healing journey—she was first shuffled through traditional western medicine and rehabilitation and after not attaining the support she desired, sought out a path of her ancestral traditions. On her journey, she experienced a pilgrimage of spiritual and physical transformation that formed her unique Jaguar Medicine and led her to bring powerful life-changing rituals to women.

If you feel called to steam monthly with Jaguar, you can apply at

If you’re interested in scheduling a private, one-on-one session with Jaguar, you can do that via our Sesiones Sagradas.

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8:30 AM08:30



Led by Karen Vogel, co-creator of the Motherpeace Tarot Deck


Join us for a two week virtual immersion with Karen Vogel, co-creator of the famed Motherpeace Tarot Deck. Created in the 70’s, the cards in this extraordinary round tarot deck include images of potent symbols celebrating women’s power from 40,000 years of pre-patriarchal cultures throughout the world.

Karen is a rogue scholar, known for her innovative thinking in the field of anthropology and natural history. The immersion with Karen will contain both theory and practice. You’ll learn how to use the tarot as a tool for enhancing intuition, insight and the art of divination. Karen’s spiritual perspective is goddess oriented and includes the belief that everything is alive including plants, animals, rocks and weather. They all have spirits that can be explored in altered states which can be accessed through a variety of techniques including tarot. She’ll teach us how to use the tarot as a tool for gaining insight and information useful in healing and transformation.

The Motherpeace Tarot Deck was co-created by Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble from their deep scholarship, healing work, and psychic training. In addition, Karen’s spirituality was deeply informed by the time she spent in the southwest desert. When Karen and Vicki traveled to Chaco Canyon in the 1970’s the ruins, spirits, energy and ancestors of the land had a profound effect on them that influenced the creation of the deck. The cards were further informed and inspired by Karen’s research into anthropology and prehistory, and Vicki’s foundation in women’s studies. The deck draws on imagery from the worldwide flowering of artistic expression beginning over 40,000 years ago. The Motherpeace images and ideas draw on a variety of cultures real and imagined, and a spirituality based on shamanism, which is often considered the original world religion of humans.


The first class will be about revealing the underlying structure of the tarot. Karen will explain the Major Arcana and how it differs from the four suits or Minor Arcana. The four suits of the Minor Arcana relate to the elements of fire, water, air, and earth and is divided into the people (shaman, priestess, son, daughter) and numerical cards. The Major Arcana can seem very mysterious and incredibly potent. In addition to explaining the Major Arcana Karen will show participants how to figure out life cards which relate to one or two Major Arcana. We’ll discuss the different life cards and Karen will share deeper insights into her explanations of the meanings and symbology.

The second class will be more focused on using the tarot cards for readings. The cards can be used to see what’s going on in a particular situation or for a more general overview. Karen will share how to tune into the cards to receive their suggestions or ways of looking at the question that can help to orient or prescribe possible directions to go to improve, heal, and gain deeper insight in a particular situation.

In this course you’ll learn about:

  • The origin of and inspiration behind the Motherpeace Tarot Deck

  • The art and practice of reading Tarot cards for yourself and others

  • Karen’s investigations into anthropology, prehistory, women’s studies, art, psychic and healing techniques

  • How the energy of the land and people of the American southwest including Chaco Canyon (New Mexico) had a profound effect on Karen and the creation of the Motherpeace Tarot Deck

  • Karen’s personal explanations of the meanings and symbols found within the Motherpeace Tarot Deck

  • Goddesses in myth, history and culture

  • Everything is alive including plants, animals, rocks and weather. How to communicate with these spirits through the tarot

  • Wisdom and stories from Karen’s life path

  • How to utilize tarot to enter into an altered state to gain insight and receive information useful for healing

  • The underlying structure of the Tarot—the Major Arcana and how it differs from the 4 suits or Minor Arcana

  • How the Minor Arcana relates to the 4 elements of fire, water, air and earth and why it’s divided into the figurative and numerical cards

  • Diagnosis; using the Tarot cards to either tune into a particular situation or obtain general overview

  • Using the Tarot cards to guide you to prescribe potential directions for improvement, healing or deeper insight into a particular situation

  • Your personal Tarot life card and what it means

Please bring your Motherpeace deck or another tarot deck to each session.

Both sessions will gather remotely—this is Mercado Sagrado’s very first virtual group happening!

All are welcome. It’s possible to RSVP for one or both sessions. If you can’t attend the session live, you’ll receive a recording. Please reach out to with any questions.

If you missed this live event, click below to purchase the recorded immersion sessions.

We look forward to communing with you.


Karen Vogel, co-creator of the Motherpeace Tarot Deck is a renowned intuitive, teacher, writer, and artist. She has a degree in anthropology and a background in women's studies, art, and shamanism. The worldwide success of the Motherpeace Deck (currently over 400,000 in print) has afforded her the time to develop as an artist and sculptor of wood and stone. Karen's creative voice expresses her deep sense of animation and spirit in nature. She grew up in New York City but fell in love with the wild places of the western North America as a teenager. She's lived there ever since, exploring many places in the intermountain and far west. Karen currently lives and works in rural west Sonoma County, California

If you’re interested in scheduling a private, one-on-one session with Karen, you can do that via our Sesiones Sagradas.

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