Clarity and recognition of your own power are the bottom line. Your thoughts form your world all of the time. Not cafeteria style—all of the time. Because you are bombarded with so many frequency-control vibrations that attempt to keep you from being clear, you fluctuate. You must, as a species, make it your intention to stay very clear, to stay centered, and always to bring yourself into the moment. Stop living in the future or living in the past, and always live in your now. Say to yourself, "What do I want? .” – Barbara Marcinia
Have you ever examined your personal beliefs about vitality?
What if the aging program is created solely by us in our minds, through our beliefs which were generally, unconsciously absorbed in the environment where we were born, raised and have lived?
What if aging doesn’t actually exist?
Quantum mechanics proves that consciousness creates what we experience as reality and that humans truly are creator beings, much more powerful than we’ve been led to believe. As we expand our awareness relative to these truths, why not start to look at everything in our experience as truly optional, even the sort of decline that’s generally attributed to aging.
After all, we know that the body is continuously regenerating itself and numerous leading edge doctors and thought leaders agree that our cells are intelligent and essentially, programmable. Some have even completed successful studies, lengthening telomeres, which are associated with physical decline, through conscious, focused intention.
We have all heard tales of modern day humans living much longer than the popular belief system around age implies is possible and in the bible there are stories about people living nearly a thousand years. So what happened? Was it just the programming? Or was humanity tampered with in some way? And also, even if we could live that long, would we want to?
We are experiencing a quickening and approaching a period where humanity will evolve the equivalent of a thousand years in only a few – likely between 2025 and 2027 – a quantum leap, if you will. This is due to what is often referred to as Ascension or the Precession of the Equinoxes, and ultimately to the expansion of consciousness which will trigger the revelation of Earth aligned technologies which although had always existed, were hidden. This expansion will have a great effect on all aspects of our lives including health and vitality and especially the way we relate to, and physically express age.
Join renowned healer and seer, Honey C Golden and Mercado Sagrado’s Mia Luciano for an online gathering that will be both conversational and experiential.
Honey will lead the group in an activation to transmute limiting beliefs about aging and we’ll explore the following topics;
The role our state of mind, emotions & self talk play in regard to our vitality
Health sovereignty and learning to trust ourselves and our bodies more
How “aging” will change relative to the coming quantum revolution and in the Golden Age
Human DNA, humanity’s hidden history and how it’s changing
How other, non-terrestrial civilizations relate to the body, vitality and age
The event will also include an attendee Q&A and discussion.
Participants are welcome to join the community telegram group and will receive a curated bundle of assets post event including journal prompts + creative resources in resonance with the theme of the gathering—books, media and more.
We look forward to communing with you.
We will gather remotely via zoom.
If you can’t attend the session Live, you’ll receive a Replay.
The Keepers of the Frequency are all of those here on earth who are re-seeding the primordial frequency of Love. They hold the vision of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and of the coming Golden Age.
Humanity is remembering who they really are and stepping into sovereignty, transforming into a culture of care that will actively integrate solutions we’ve been dreaming into existence. We are creating a beautiful future and as part of this process, outdated programming must fall away in order for each of us to step into greater personal power.
Our Guides:
Honey C Golden
is an intuitive healer, artist, and author. It is her belief that our body and soul are interconnected and that we are a soul within a body having a human experience.
Honey understands that the body's natural state is health and that modern day society's environment, food, and stressors can cause imbalance which show up in the body as illness. Restoring balance is the key. She spent decades in a corporate career studying healing in her spare time and helping friends and family.
Being able to expand those practices to help others is the fulfillment of Honey’s destiny. Helping others heal, creating, and sharing is what truly brings her joy.
You can find her at honeygolden.com, on YouTube, Rumble, Telegram, and Instagram.
Mia Luciano
is an experience creator and curator, a holistic health advocate and community organizer.
In 2014 she cofounded Mercado Sagrado, a creative and healing arts event platform for gatherings bringing together a distinctive blend of conscious talent, high craft and expansive programming in natural sanctuaries. Her work honors the earth and serves as a bridge between the ancient and emergent.
You can find her at mercado-sagrado.com, on Telegram, Instagram here + here , YouTube and Substack.